Monday 17 October 2016

Carpet allergies

Are carpets good or bad for allergies? Why are carpets horrible for allergies? What are carpet allergy symptoms of New and old carpet?

Carpet allergies

Those living with asthma or allergy symptoms have historically been advised to remove all carpet in the home because carpet traps allergens. It is believed that this exacerbates the symptoms of these conditions. Individuals also have reported problems such as cough, fatigue and breathing problems. There has been no evidence that specifically supports an allergy to carpet , but some people believe that it is possible. Hypoallergenic carpet is a termed mostly used by manufacturers.

They use it to highlight the fact that such carpets contain less allergens as compared to other carpets. Nylon is the most effective allergy-controlling carpet fiber. Wool, conversely, should be avoided because allergens and mold can thrive in it. Also choose carpet with tightly woven strands for the same reason. MYTH Asthma and allergy sufferers should not have carpet in the home.

Carpet allergies

FACT: Multiple scientific studies have concluded that carpet fibers, in trapping and immobilizing potential allergy-causing particulates, can actually help people with allergies. Pet allergens are also found in bedding and furniture, are constantly being produced by the pets. Many patients in the U. Even if the carpet cleaning were to remove a large amount of one allergen, the allergy sufferer may not feel relief because carpet cleaning has not impacted their other allergens.

Studies show that people with asthma and allergies have seen symptoms improve with carpet. It’s comfortable to sit or play on, provides insulation, reduces noise and it makes a room warm and cozy. But if you suffer from seasonal allergies , the simple thought of carpet in your home might be enough to send you into a coughing fit.

If you have pets, the situation can get even worse. These things can easily become airborne and inhaled. The remedy here is a different type of flooring. This is especially true when vacuuming. Or, if you have a dust mite allergy , you may remove the carpet and upholstered furniture, spots where dust mites thrive.

Controlling the allergy environment. The carpet holds on to the particles until you are ready to remove them. Regular vacuuming, using a high-efficiency filter and periodic hot-water extractions, removes the majority of allergens.

Carpet allergies

Michael Sauerhoff, Ph. Some carpeting can trigger allergic reactions, such as wheezing, coughing and sneezing. You can get relief by getting rid of the mol dust and pollen that may be. A 15-year Swedish study found no link between carpet and allergy and asthma attacks. In fact, when carpet usage in Sweden decreased by percent, allergy reactions in the general population increased by percent.

Allergy and asthma carpet studies. True, carpets accumulate dust and dirt in a far greater extent than hard flooring however the critical point is often missed. If you’ve been listening to most advice dispensed by the so-called experts on the issue, it was a foregone conclusion.

Of course there is a connection between allergies and carpet. And it’s not a positive one. If the carpet is already installe you are somewhat limited in how to rid new carpet allergens , but you can still improve your home’s air quality until the carpet completes the off-gassing process.

The best way to improve air quality and reduce allergens is to provide as much ventilation as possible in the carpeted room. If you frequently wake up with drainage or allergy -like symptoms, your carpets should be one of the first places you look to eliminate bacteria and dust mites. Furthermore, effective carpet cleaning - such as vacuuming with a high efficiency filter and hot water extraction reduced both surface allergens and airborne particle counts, maintaining.

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