Tuesday, 17 July 2018


The core can be v-shaped or consisting of looped filaments fused where they cross. Maxxon now offers an exterior underslab drainage solution to help move water away from your concrete substrate. This drainage composite consists of a post-industrial recycled core of fuse entangled filaments and a geocomposite fabric bonded to each side. ENKADRAIN This product family consists of a range of drainage composites comprising a polymer drainage core connected to a protective and filtering non woven on one or both sides. These mats can be used in a variety of horizontal and vertical applications, combining drainage, protection and filtration in one product.

The product is used as a means of relieving hydrostatic pressure from backfills abutting below grade structures. The drainage layer is composed of tough, looped polyamide filaments which are fused together where they cross, forming an open structured material with a voids ration of. The information set forth in this data sheet reflects the best knowledge at the time of publication. Our Colback fabric is used the world over whenever there’s a need for the highest standard membranes for roofing or vapour and moisture control. Enkamat is made from high quality polyamide (PA) monofilaments which are welded where they cross.

It is available in thicknesses up to 20mm. Filter your product search. Select a criteria from one or all of the drop downs to find a product. The components are thermally bonded together over the entire contact area.

Tilsvarende vil det nederste geotextil (såfremt der er et sådant) være forsynet med en flap i den anden side. Derved fås der et effektivt overlæg i sam- lingerne. Colbond is a producer of high-quality nonwovens for flooring, automotive and construction applications and of three-dimensional polymeric mats and composites for , building and industrial applications.

When it comes to drainage solutions, no other product comes close to the superior quality of Hydraway. TECHNICAL DATA: Diameter: 5 and 1mm. Polycoat Products is a proven leader in the spray applie polyurethane truck bed liner industry.


We manufacture different types of bed liner chemicals ranging from low pressure to high pressure in various ratios. A great deal of research has gone into studying and alleviating the building envelope moisture issue, and it has all led to one simple answer: There must be a permanent, predictable drainage space located behind the veneer and in front of the moisture. Helping foundation drains and cavity drains function more effectively in many kinds of structure.

WHY LOW AND BONAR For Vertical Drainage? For walls, planter boxes and rooftop gardens. Substance Drainage Mat. Sizes Available: 39″ x 100′. AZEK Standard Pavers,.


Within our documents section you can find brochures, technical data sheet and much more about Maccaferri products and solutions. We have a broad range of drainage geocomposite for geosynthetics drainage systems. With a recycled propylene drainage core, the material features a lightweight filtered fabric thermally bonded to each side. This lends it superior drainage characteristics compared to the competition.

Its waffle drain core design maintains excellent water flow under heavy loads and compression. Enkadrain water drainage mats have years of proven performance. Ydinosan tehtävänä on johtaa pintavedet tai paineellinen pohjavesi hallitusti salaojaputkeen tai kansirakenteissa käytettynä salaojakaivoon.


Browse through Orlando, FL Dry Cleaners currently available for sale on BizBuySell. Find a seller financed Orlando Fluff and Fol Dry Cleaner business, or other ideal Orlando Dry Cleaner business opportunity today! TREMDrain Series Drainage Mat.

Seams should be nailed every (4 cm) O. The mats lay flat and the breathable fabric allows water to pass through from top to bottom, preventing stagnant water from collecting underneath.

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