Friday 3 July 2020

Torrefied wood

Torrefied wood

What is torrefied wood ? It can crumble more easily, depending on the wood species. However, this strength reduction is not very significant for most wood species. It quickly turns new wood into what naturally takes decades, saving a lifetime of waiting for an instrument to finally get that aged tone. Using torrefied woods , is another one of the ways we are able to scientifically mimic what the natural aging process does for a guitar. Our torrefied doors undergo an all-natural green process to eliminate wood’s tendency to rot.

It also makes the door far more structurally stable, and highly resistant to heat, cold and moisture. Torrefaction of biomass, e. The term torrefied wood refers to wood that has undergone a drying process. From Peter Schu with Dana Bourgeois: “Every acoustic guitar top must be dry, stiff and lightweight. For centuries, luthiers chased this holy trinity of adjectives with various methods of carving, bracing, and drying with air or kilns.

Apart from having many similarities to coal, it is still renewable energy and believed to replace many types of biomass within the years to come. Densified torrefied biomass has several advantages, which makes it a competitive option in different markets compared to conventional biomass. The definition of torrefy is simply to dry or roast with fire.

That’s exactly what torrefied wood is: wood that has been heated over a long period of time within a controlled atmosphere. Another term commonly used to describe wood that has been treated this way is thermally modified. A torrefied wood pellet repels moisture. Therefore they address one of the key issues with current wood pellet fuel. They also produce no smell, Ho visible smoke and contain a much higher energy content than current pellet fuels.

Not only does a torrefied top offer greater stability and tone, the thermo-curing process dramatically speeds up the natural aging of wood that in a vintage-looking, golden-caramel hue. Some of you may have already had a precursory introduction to the process and perceived benefits of wood torrefaction (also sometimes called “thermo-curing”) in relation to guitar building. Roasted woo sometimes called thermally treate tempered vulcanized or torrefie is ideal for environments with high or varying moisture levels. Of course, traditionally dried woods also acclimate to their environment.

Torrefied wood

However, the roasting process severely limits the wood’s range of moisture variation. In FBs, the high alkali content may lead to bed sintering and deposits. Hydroscopic cellulose is sealed so wood resists warp and movement.

True torrefaction—the elimination of volatiles without damaging structural cellulose—occurs within a range of temperature and duration of treatment that varies from one wood species to the next. The window for optimum treatment is relatively narrow, but within it, different degrees of aging can be simulated. I’ve experimented with torrefied wood s that appear to simulate between and 100. This thermochemical treatment of biomass at extremely high temperatures – typically 2to 3°C (3to 608ºF) – removes moisture and volatile substances from the biomass. The torrefaction process produces a higher quality and dry fuel source.

Torrefied wood

In the 8thcentury the Vikings torrefied the wood they used to build their ships, enhancing its stability and durability. The wood is gradually pre-heated in a conventional kiln lowering the moisture content to between and. Biomass torrefaction is a thermal process used to produce high-grade solid biofuels from various streams of woody biomass or agro residues.

The end product is a stable, homogeneous, high quality solid biofuel with far greater energy density and calorific value than the original feedstock, providing significant benefits in logistics, handling and storage, as well as opening up a wide range of potential uses. These two products can pass for identical twins to the average consumer, but really they are only fraternal twins (like me!). Eco-friendly and 1 natural, it contains no chemical product.

Torrefied wood

The secret of the beauty of torrefied wood is of course the torrefaction treatment itself. Great Deals on the Latest Brand Products, Limited Time Offer.

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